Genious hour.

Genius Hour.

Katie and I have changed who we are donating the items to, after the drive, we think it will be a better idea. At first we were going to donate to the kids in the hospital with cancer, but now we are donating to Hiway 80 Women’s Homeless Shelter. We changed this because donating to hospitals may be risky, we’d have to be careful to who get’s what, because of the sickness it may not be such a good idea. We still don’t have the final date on when we will start the drive, because there are already three drives going on in our school, so if we had another one that would be a little overwhelming. We are gonna wait until the other drives are ending to start ours, then that will determine the date that we take all the items to Hiway 80 Women’s Homeless Shelter.Whenever we start the drive that is when we will know when we will donate.

Genius Hour.

Katie and I have chosen to have a stuffed animal, toy, and book drive. Where we collect all three of these things, clean them up, then take them to the hospitals with sick children to brighten up their day. I chose this topic, because i think that kids don’t chose to be sick, so they shouldn’t be forced to be unhappy in a hospital either. Katie and I just thought that no one really thinks about what is wrong with other kids life when they think theirs is so bad. We just wanted to make kids life at the hospital happier and not as boring. So far we have just talked about it, we haven’t really planned when we will have the drive or deliver the items. The first thing we will do is let everyone know that we are having the drive, because the more people that come the more items we have. Then we will have the drive and clean everything up, then go to the hospitals.

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